If a creature is killed (but not consumed) by a Borother, it rises as a new Borother the next night, consuming its own body as its first meal. Destroying the body prevents this.
If there are less or more than three Borothers in the area (including itself), it will stalk its previous friends or family and kill them, resisting its urge to feed in order to form its own trio.
A Borother can use Locate Creature on any creature it has hit with its Bite attack, or that it has otherwise consumed the flesh of.
It is said that the first Borothers were born from a set of triplets who turned to cannibalism and were bisected at the hip for their crimes.
Almost always found in groups of three, Borothers appear as heavily clothed figures without a lower half. Their faces are usually shadowed by a cowl or hat, leaving little visible besides their large mouths which extrude a forked, prehensile tongue. They glide quickly but silently along the ground.
Borothers are patient and strategic- they will even wait to attack lone travelers into their territory until they are sure their quarry is surrounded.
If offered a piece of flesh of another sentient creature, the trio will spare the offerer. The next night, the Borothers will rise and begin seeking out any other flesh from that specific creature. They will continue to do so night after night until either they have consumed all of that creature’s flesh, or until one of their number is slain. In that case, the remaining two will retreat and seek out the one who offered them flesh, attempting to slay them to replenish their number.
Duplication and Templates
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