Changing Jelly
When the Changing Jelly absorbs the intact brain of any intelligent creature, it hijacks the brain and connects it to its own jelly nervous system allowing it to assume the basic form of said creature and absorb its memories. The jelly can then preform the basic functions of the absorbed brain. It can not communicate, cast magic, or use martial weapons.
Changing Jelly moves up to speed into a creatures space, the targeted creature must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw.
On a successful save, the target creature can move up to 5 feet away from the Jelly.
On a failed save, the Jelly successfully enters the creatures space and absorbs the creature. The creature takes 1d6 acid damage, can not move, and can not breath or hear. The creature takes 3d6 damage at the start of the Changing Jelly’s turn.
A target creature that has been absorbed can attempt escape by making a DC 10 Strength check, if successful the creature escapes and can move 5 feet away from the Jelly.
The Changing Jelly spits thick, sticky acid at the target creature. The acid will then begin homing in on the main Jelly and slowly make a return. The creature must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw.
On a successful hit, the acid sticks to the target creature for 2 turns and the creature takes 1d6 acid damage per turn.
Changing Jelly
Not yet described
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