A liosalfar’s exotic consciousness renders it immune to psychic effects, and any attempt to read their thoughts leaves the reader confused for 1 round.
Magical darkness is harmful to a liosalfar: They take 2d10 necrotic damage, or half damage with a successful DC 14 Constitution saving throw, each time they start their turn inside magical darkness. Natural darkness is unpleasant to them but not harmful.
The liosalfar can move through other creatures and objects as difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Liosalfar are composed entirely of light. They are incorporeal and not subject to ability damage, polymorph, petrification, or attacks that alter their form.
Liosalfar shed rainbow illumination equal to a daylight spell. They cannot extinguish this glow without perishing but can reduce it to the level of torchlight at will. Even when using alter self they have a faint, diffused glow that’s visible in dim light or darkness.
Not yet described
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