Lure Spore Servant
A 10’ radius around the Saguahin Spore Servant erupts with poisoned vines which create rough terrain which persists until the creature moves OR the vines are burned away.
Medium Armor & above prevents the vines from borrowing in but when a PC is wearing a lower armor they should roll a DEX (DC 10) saving throw to walk across without taking 1d4+2 (CHA) poison damage.
The Sahuagin Spore Servant points at a creature with the Trident and casts the Command spell (PHB) upon an intelligent target. Upon a failed Wisdom Saving Throw (DC 12) the spell is successfully cast & the target understands the commands of the creature.
The target will make DC 12 Wisdom saves against the Spores Command until they pass or the creature is deceased.
Fungi are a strange and, in many ways, unfamiliar type of growing things. Scholars often misclassify them as an alien variety of plant life. However, more careful studies indicate that they are a distinct type of life, neither animal nor plant. A fungus does not depend upon sunlight as plants do, nor do they appear to eat, having no mouths or visible sensory organs.
An ordinary fungus is affixed to its location, thriving in moist, decaying plant matter or attached to the shady side of a tree or crevices of stone. They spread and reproduce through tiny spores that are released into the air.
Reports of monstrous fungus creatures, perhaps animated by magic, having been reported, and not all can be easily discredited. The origin of such creatures is a mystery.
Lure Spore Servant
Not yet described
Duplication and Templates
Lure Spore Servant (Wilder) has been modified from other monsters.
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