If you move 20 ft in a line, you may move an additional 10 ft. This movement allows you to move past creatures as long as you can move to an unoccupied space that can accommodate your size.
Attacks of Opportunity made against you while Flash Stepping is done at disadvantage. If an Attack of Opportunity is made against you while already having disadvantage (not from Flash Stepping), decrease the final roll by 5.
You cannot Flash Step past walls or inorganic objects.
Seraphine no longer needs to move in a line to build speed. Without her armor holding her back, her speed makes it seem like shes teleporting around the battlefield.
When Seraphine has 50% or less HP, she relinquishes her armor and weapons, resorting to her own raw strength and power. Allows Seraphine access to her Unburdened features.
Not yet described
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