The Blob
During its move action, The Blob can change its shape and size to fit through any small space or enclosure, up to 2 inches in diameter. As soon as it enters an area that can fit its entire body mass, it regains its Large size.
Creatures that are grappled by The Blob become pulled into its massive ooze body. Engulfed creatures take 1d6 poison damage per round. The Blob heals for an equal amount of hp whenever it deals damage with this ability. If The Blob is struck by a piercing or lightning attack while a creature is engulfed, the engulfed creature also takes half of the attack’s initial damage amount. The Blob may only engulf one creature at a time, but if a creature dies while engulfed, their body dissolves and their remains are ejected to a nearby adjacent square. Engulfed creatures are otherwise treated as Grappled and may escape using the standard rules for that condition.
The Blob leaves a trail of acidic ooze anywhere it travels. Creatures that touch the ooze take 1d6 poison damage. The ooze dissipates after 1 round.
Oozes, sometimes referred to as slimes or jellies, describe creatures that resemble that of an amorphous blob. These blobs can come in different shapes and forms—such as a more stable cube or more liquid puddle-like slithering creature—that inform an adventurer on the unique properties and dangers that ooze can pose. Even a difference in color can be indicative of a helpful trait.
While oozes may look harmless with their lack of features such as eyes or discernible body parts, they are anything but. Despite their lack of sight they are more than capable of sensing any vibration in their vicinity, thriving in underground environments with echoey chambers and darker spaces that give them an advantage over their prey.
Tactics. An ooze’s main goal is to devour and disintegrate any prey it can find with their acidic bodies. They often lack intelligence and will go after the easiest prey, giving adventurers the room to try and distract an ooze with a meal other than themselves. The job isn’t so simple after that, though, as oozes disintegrate weapons just as well as biological creatures, so adventurers must be wise in how they attack these odd jellies.
The Blob
A coagulation of sewage, disposed alchemical materials, and city filth, The Blob dwells beneath cities rife with pollution and alchemical industrialization in the sewer systems and garbage dumps. Alchemical contamination has activated this massive growth of bacteria and sludge to seek bio-matter so that it may increase its volume. When The Blob consumes enough material over the course of a few days, it splits off into another Blob, which subsequently seeks out sustenance of its own.
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