Badger Defender
The Badger Defender randomly faces one enemy. Any enemies behind it can make a DC 14 Perception check (Dwarves have advantage) to notice its control panel. A DC 17 Sleight of Hand, Thieves Tools, or Artisans Tools (or equivalent) can open the panel. Any other skill or no tools gives disadvantage. Another DC 17 check of the same type can power down the Badger Defender.
The Badger Defender can make an opportunity attack when a creature enters its range.
The Badger Defender attacks with its axes in a surprisingly agile way. Every creature within 10 feet takes 13 (2d12) damage or half damage on a DC 15 Dexterity save.
Animated Objects
Through the use of powerful magic, otherwise mundane objects, such as a broomstick, kettle, rug, or even a weapon or suit of armor, can be turned into a kind of primitive creature. An animated object is able to move, perceive, and even attack.
Badger Defender
The Badger Defender was used in Dwarven Throgs as defense against the many enemies of the Dwarves. They are made from a combined magical and mechanical means.
Duplication and Templates
Badger Defender (trevorjsinclair) has been modified from other monsters.
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