The drow has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put the drow to sleep.
While in sunlight, the drow has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Elves are an ancient people blessed with a fey-like grace.
Natural aesthetes. As a group, elves are lovers of all things beautiful, from the gifts of the natural world to the fruits of their long-studied arts. A society of elves might generate a continuous stream of new music and song, poetry, architecture, paintings, sculpture, dance, theatre, and philosophical studies. They generally prefer to dwell in places of otherworldly beauty and expertly craft their spaces with nature-inspired elegance.
Among humanoids. Elves age slowly and can live for multiple centuries, granting them a patience and wisdom that is often perceived as aloofness.
Drow are a race of elves adapted to the underdark.
Magical nature. Even more so than other elves, drow possess a proclivity for magic. They have some resistance to spells, as well as innate spell powers that can either illuminate or deepen the darkness.
Uncommon appearance. Drow typically have white hair and grayish skin in a variety of hues. Their eyes are strikingly colored. Their women have a reputation for being both larger and stronger than their men.
Frightening legends. Horrifying tales of encounters with cultists of a spider goddess lead many surface dwellers to be wary of drow. They are often feared in the underdark and treated with suspicion above ground.
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