SHIP: The Black Beacon
SHIP: The Black Beacon is equipped with a legendary version of a censer of controlling air elementals. While the censer is aboard the ship with incense burning inside, it operates as the rare version of the item, except that it casts conjure elemental as a 9th-level spell.
Additionally, it gives SHIP: The Black Beacon spells which can be activated with an action by any ship’s officer aboard the ship. If the spell can be ended, any officer on board can do so with the appropriate action.
Once per month, the censer can be used to cast control weather.
This magical map has been bound to SHIP: The Black Beacon, and features a small ship figurine made from the ship’s timber.
The map shows the surroundings in a 30 mile radius around the ship. It depicts the landscape, settlements, and seafaring vessels. Anyone at the table can speak a command word and point to a location or vessel to name it. The name appears as neat writing on the map.
(Item created by @bonus_action)
Whenever SHIP: The Black Beacon starts its turn with 50 hit points or fewer, it is actively sinking and must make DC 10 Constitution saves every turn. If SHIP: The Black Beacon has 0 hit points, it automatically fails its saving throws to avoid sinking. On a failed save, one of the ships decks is completely filled with water. If all the decks are filled, the ship has sunk and drops to 0 hit points.
Repairing the ship so that it has more than 50 hit points stops the checks or saves but does not remove any water. If at least half of SHIP: The Black Beacon’s minimum crew spend an action bailing over two turns, they can restore a ship’s deck. Some magics may be able to remove water from a deck, at the DM’s discretion.
One of the cannons is loaded with a special cannonball which contains an alchemical solution. If the cannonball hits, it deals an additional 6d6 damage of the appropriate type. SHIP: The Black Beacon only has one of each cannonball type, Fire, Cold, and Acid.
SHIP: The Black Beacon
Not yet described
Duplication and Templates
SHIP: The Black Beacon (horatio.fairburn) has been modified from other monsters.
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