Captain Maloch
Captain Maloch has advantage on saving throws against disease and being poisoned, as well as death saving throws. It also has resistance to poison damage. It does not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep, and magic can’t put it to sleep.
While wearing this black bicorne hat emblazoned with a skull and crossbones Captain Maloch takes on a more fearsome appearance. Captain Maloch adds double its proficiency bonus on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. Additionally, its voice can be clearly heard over greater distances.
Captain Maloch temporarily remembers sporadic glimpses of the past, perhaps faded memories from ages ago or a previous life. Captain Maloch can roll a d6 and add the number rolled to any ability check that uses a skill.
Captain Maloch
Captain Maloch was once an ambitious sailor who led mutiny against his captain. The mutiny failed, and Maloch was keelhauled. When dragged back aboard the ship, he was most certainly dead, but that did not stop him from leaping up, grabbing the captain’s sword, and slaying him. No one was willing to contest a man who died and lived to tell the tale, and thus the legend of the fierce pirate captain was (re)born.
Duplication and Templates
Captain Maloch (horatio.fairburn) has been modified from other monsters.
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