The glabrezu has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
The demon chooses what to summon and attempts a magical summoning.
A glabrezu has a 30 percent chance of summoning 1d3 vrocks, 1d2 hezrous, or one glabrezu.
A summoned demon appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its summoner, acts as an ally of its summoner, and can’t summon other demons. It remains for 1 minute, until it or its summoner dies, or until its summoner dismisses it as an action.
Fiends, in the simplest of terms, can be seen as an inverse of celestials—hosting the devils to their angels. They come from the Lower Planes—sometimes referred to as the Fiendish Planes for the majority of the beings that reside there—and are a general family of creatures that include devils, demons, and yugoloth, along with other lesser and partial fiends. Just like in any other plane, not all of these creatures get along, with the devils and demons in particular having a nasty history of war between the two.
Due to their home emanating a primal malevolence, all fiends have the reputation—and certainly the ability—to be full of pure malice and evil. However, some do choose to leave for other planes of existence to escape this rotted, evil realm. Many may be content with a life of evil due to their nigh-immortal existence and distorted sense of time, watching centuries pass as if it were but a day.
Tactics. While knowing your neighbor dwarf or the local human innkeeper’s name is a common courtesy expected of decent citizens, knowing a fiend’s true name is a point of vulnerability. A fiend may use their own true name to rise in the ranks of their own plane, but a mortal with a fiend’s true name has complete control over the wily creature. While this may not be feasible for the common adventurer to hold over a hostile fiend’s head, know that most fiends have a certain degree of magic and like to utilize it to inspire fear and division in the mortals they come across.
“Beware the dark crags of our world, for that is where the demons wait. With eyes glowing like molten fury, their laughter a cacophony of madness, they are the very incarnation of malevolence.”
Abyssal Origin. Birthed in chaos and nurtured by malevolence, demons emerge from the unfathomable depths of the Abyss only to destroy, corrupt, and consume. Oblivious to pain and heedless of injury, they revel in acts of torment. Their aim is to spread the chaos of the Abyss, topple kingdoms, corrupt the innocent, and drag all of existence into a maelstrom of suffering and despair.
Wicked Anatomy. Varying widely in form, demons can be grotesque and monstrous or corruptingly beautiful. Their physique is a manifestation of their malevolent essence, with many bearing horns, tails, and fanged maws.
Chaotic Hierarchy. Hierarchy among demons is continuously established through sheer might and cruel cunning. The more powerful demons rule through fear, each vying for control in an ever-shifting power struggle. There are demon lords—infamous beings of immeasurable wickedness—whose names are whispered in dread and awe.
Blind Arrogance. Bound by their chaotic nature, demons often underestimate the power of cooperation and long-term strategy. While exceptionally strong, they are vulnerable to certain magics, particularly those that harness the powers of order and goodness.
Not yet described
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