
Monster Type:
Displaying 1501 - 1550 of 2005 matches
Name Source CR Size Type
Ship’s Mage horatio.fairburn CR 1 Medium humanoid
SHIP: The Arbiter horatio.fairburn CR 4 Gargantuan construct
SHIP: The Black Beacon horatio.fairburn CR 9 Gargantuan construct
SHIP: The Casanova horatio.fairburn CR 4 Gargantuan construct
SHIP: The Invicta horatio.fairburn CR 10 Gargantuan construct
SHIP: The Leviathan horatio.fairburn CR 11 Gargantuan construct
SHIP: The Medusa horatio.fairburn CR 8 Gargantuan construct
SHIP: The Prosperity horatio.fairburn CR 5 Gargantuan construct
SHIP: The Reaper horatio.fairburn CR 9 Gargantuan construct
SHIP: The Seneschal North CR 10 Gargantuan construct
SHIP: The Solaris North CR 5 Gargantuan construct
SHIP: The Submariner horatio.fairburn CR 6 Huge construct
Shockwing Creature Codex CR 1 Small beast
Shoggoth Tome of Beasts CR 19 Huge aberration
Shoreline Scrapper Creature Codex CR 4 Large beast
Shriekbat Tome of Beasts 2 CR 9 Huge monstrosity
Shrieker SRD CR 0 Medium plant
Shroud Tome of Beasts CR 1/8 Medium undead
Shukankor Tome of Beasts 2 CR 9 Huge aberration
Shurale Tome of Beasts 2 CR 7 Medium fey
Sidhe horatio.fairburn CR 4 Medium fey
Sigilian Creature Codex CR 2 Medium construct
Silenal Tome of Beasts 2 CR 7 Small fey
Silver Dragon Wyrmling SRD CR 2 Medium dragon
Silver Dragon Wyrmling Skeleton Tome of Beasts 2 CR 2 Medium undead
Simhamukha Creature Codex CR 8 Huge celestial
Simurg Creature Codex CR 5 Gargantuan celestial
Sirena Boss horatio.fairburn CR 3 Medium humanoid
Sirena Crab Rider horatio.fairburn CR 1 Large humanoid
Sirena Mage horatio.fairburn CR 6 Medium humanoid
Sirena Thug horatio.fairburn CR 1/2 Medium humanoid
Skari horatio.fairburn CR 5 Large giant
Skein Witch Tome of Beasts CR 12 Medium celestial
Skeleton SRD CR 1/4 Medium undead
Skeleton Horse xandrakeart CR 1/2 Large undead
Skin Bat Tome of Beasts CR 1/2 Small undead
Skinny Feyda SanguSit CR 1 Medium beast
Skitterhaunt Tome of Beasts CR 4 Large ooze
Skull Drake Creature Codex CR 3 Medium dragon
Skull Lantern Creature Codex CR 1/4 Tiny undead
Sleipnir Creature Codex CR 5 Large monstrosity
Slekaran Druid horatio.fairburn CR 2 Medium humanoid
Slow Storm Tome of Beasts CR 15 Huge elemental
Sluagh Swarm Tome of Beasts CR 3 Medium fey
Smaragdine Golem Tome of Beasts CR 14 Large construct
Smuggler Captain horatio.fairburn CR 2 Medium humanoid
Snake with a Hundred Mage Hands Tome of Beasts 2 CR 3 Small monstrosity
Snig Robin CR 1/4 Small humanoid
Snow Cat Creature Codex CR 1/4 Medium beast
Snow Giant Tome of Beasts 2 CR 5 Huge giant
Displaying 1501 - 1550 of 2005 matches